Recurring events: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament@SJA Thursdays from 9:30am-5pm Perpetual Adoration in the chapel @StP (for access, call the Pastorate office) Nocturnal Adoration@SJA (1st Friday-Saturdays; Feb 7-8, Mar 7-8, Apr 4-5) Embrace Grace begins Feb 6, meets Thursdays at 6pm
Notable events: Couples Retreat (Feb 7, 8) Game Fest@SJA (Feb 15) Parish Breakfast @StP (Feb 16) STSJP Fish Fry @SJA (Mar 7) Lenten Mission @SJA (Mar 9-11) St. Patrick Feast Day Celebration @StP (Mar 15) KofC Fish Fry @SJA (Mar 28) STSJP Fish Fry @SJA (Apr 4) Lenten Fish Fry @StP (Apr 11) Easter Egg Hunt @SJA (Apr 27) Divine Mercy Sunday Holy Hour with Confessions @SJA (Apr 27) Outdoor Mass @SJA (Date to be confirmed, around the end of May) Rummage Sale to support Haiti Ministry (Jun 1-7) Corpus Christi Procession + Dinner @StP (Jun 21) Corpus Christi Procession @SJA (Jun 22)
Keep an eye out in our bulletin, Flocknote, and Facebook page for more details!